Forgive me, Don, I only wanted to point out an omission of Pz II C in 1939 (which must be an accident, since it was OK in ver.6), and I got carried away a bit...
Of course, it's up to you, if you want to do anything with it (I know it's complicated) or live with it as for now. I also think you do a great work.
Originally Posted by PvtJoker
Michal, I suggest you put the corrections you suggested in a custom OOB and publish it in the mods section for us rivet counters to enjoy. ...
Thanks for an encouragement, but I'm afraid, that few people would be interested in installing non-standard oobs, especially, that it'll have only some "cosmetic" changes, without new equipment...
(though a Dicker Max could be added?...) Also, I have more work with pictures as for now (and little free time). I guess I'll wait for your Italian OOB first

- or we might even kind of cooperate?...