Thread: Bug OP Filter
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Old December 15th, 2014, 11:13 AM
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Default Re: OP Filter

We have enough issues with people skipping patches without muddying the water further by issuing a quickfix that for obvious reasons not everyone will pick up as this issue ONLY affects secure PBEM and secure PBEM REQUIRES both EXE's to be the same. And I don't see where you get that this affects PBEM security.. it has NOTHING to do with PBEM affects opfire filtering in secure PBEM but not PBEM security

The issue is not critical, It does not prevent the game from playing and affects all players equally so there will not be a special fix for it issued We have set our own aim point for patch release but there is too much going on at both our ends that could throw that out the window to set a date now beyond saying we hope to have it ready at "the usual time" we've been releasing patches for the past few years....maybe
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