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Old December 24th, 2014, 08:04 AM
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Tim Brooks Tim Brooks is offline
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Default Re: What makes this game worth $40 more than any other roguelike?

Originally Posted by garion333 View Post
It's super interesting to me because Matrix has finally begun to give in and put their games on Steam, joining in on the merry little holiday sales extravaganzas. Has that worked for them? Has it brought on the support nightmares they were trying to avoid? Don't know.
You know, we tried Steam with several titles that were priced $25.00 and below. We sold more copies on our website than Steam sold, unless the game was put in a bundle (4 or 5 games for $5.00 or so). Steam is nothing but an impulse buy site and the games need to be priced as such. They don't advertise individual titles, and the don't offer support. We learned pretty quickly their answer to support was "here is your money back." Some people wanted the game to work and not their money back and came to us for support. But you can't support games that sell for $1.00.

I wonder if Matrix is having different results...
Tim Brooks
Shrapnel Games
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