Thread: Bug OP Filter
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Old February 26th, 2015, 03:17 AM
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Sgt_Walrus Sgt_Walrus is offline
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Default Re: OP Filter

Hi Guys

Just for the record.
The op-fire filter does not work for PBEM in Basic nor Full security.
At least that's what's been happening to me in all my PBEM since the last patch up.

Plenty of players use the op-fire filter and I personally use it all the time in PBEM.

It's absolutely crucial in getting a decent ambush to work and to stop players soaking off shots from your AFVs by firing at them with infantry. Without it it's like going back to the dark ages for me and has forced me to completely re-set my style of play and also to negotiate 'no soak off' rules before games.

It's a real shame that's it's going to take a while to be fixed, but I guess I'll just have to wait.
It was one of the best, if not the best, improvement in this great game.

Now if we could just get a reduction of the power of z-fire (for suppression) or at least a control for it (like arty effectiveness) in the prefs...we'd be rocking.
It's a PBEM game killer at the moment.

Thanks for keeping this great game alive and improving.

BTW - one of the reasons there was not more made of this is that there's a real feeling in the PBEM community that when we come here to make comments or complain we get treated like second class citizens and get our heads bitten off.

It sucks as I really hold that PBEM is the Master Class of SP.
I only ever use the AI as system / gear testing. Playing a human is the ultimate test IMO. The AI, no matter how good it has become, is just a pale shadow.

I understand that you (Don and Andy) have worked very hard and long for (probably) bugger all reward (except plenty of thank yous) and that it must be excruciatingly annoying dealing with idiotic questions. Again, I thank you for all that work. However there's a reason why this is my first post here in an age.
I fully expect to get my arse handed to me for what I have said and that doesn't inspire me, and quite a few other regular PBEM players, to be more active on the forum.

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