Re: German OOB 16: minor corrections
Maybe my last post was not that usefull, lacking specific hints on how to change the units. So I make up for it now.
But first some remarks on specific weapons that are used in the OOB for the Fw 190 right now.
#237 Fw 190 F-8 (weapon 3 30mm MK 101). According to Heinz Nowarra, Focke Wulf Fw 190 - Ta 152 only two prototypes were build mounting the MK 108 (Fw 190 F-8/R2) and two mounting the MK 103 (F-8/R3).
#912 Fw 190A-3/U2 (weapon 3 and 4 RZ 65 rocket). As far as I know only test trials were made, but the project with the RZ 65 was abandoned. Also it was intended to be an air-air rocket.
#914 Fw 190R-6 (weapon 3 and 4 Werfrgranate 21 (misspelled!! It`s Werfergranate (Wfrgr or Werfergr), first mounted on the A-7/R6 (all R and U nimbers don`t have a hyphen), was mainly used to break up bomber formations. Because of it`s low muzzle velocity the trajectory was not flat and aiming was difficult. They were very very seldom used for ground attack.
#915 Fw 190F-8/R1 (weapon 3 and 4 RackPzgr 8.8cm). As far as I know these were only trials but never got to front line use.
The Fw 190 was extensivly used in the ground attack role and could carry a wide spectrum of bomb loadouts. It would be better to represent this in the game instead of having 4 curiosities and test trial versions (in addition also the #916 and #917 mounting the Panzerblitz I and II are very rare variants that appeared only in few numbers in late 1944).
My suggestion is to have two fighter versions in the game (full gun and cannon armament) and all the rest dedicated ground attack versions. By this all the various bomb loadouts could be respresented. The ground attack version (F and G series) had additional armor and should have an better value than the A models. Listed by date of availability.
#237 Fw 190 A-4
2x 7.92mm MG 17 850 rounds
2x 20mm MG 151 250 rounds
2x 20mm MG FF 60 rounds
1x 250kg bomb
available 10/42 (The first Fw 190 appeared in October 42 with JG 51 on the Eastern Front, while only in 02/43 the first Fw 190 were sent to North Africa. So actually there is no need to have them earlier in the game because were have no scenario Cliffs of Dover were of course the Fw 190 appeared in small numbers already in 1941 - beginning with 10.03.42 they were also used as ground attack fighters)
#913 Fw 190F-1
2x 7.92mm MG 17 850 rounds
2x 20mm MG 151 250 rounds
4x 50kg bombs
4x 50kg bombs
available 02/43
#236 Fw 190F-2
2x 7.92mm MG 17 850 rounds
2x 20mm MG 151 250 rounds
1x 500kg bomb
available 02/43
#911 Fw 190F-3
2x 7.92mm MG 17 850 rounds
2x 20mm MG 151 250 rounds
1x 500kg bomb
4x 50kg bombs
available 06/43
#242 Fw 190F-3
2x 7.92mm MG 17 850 rounds
2x 20mm MG 151 250 rounds
2x SD2 HE Bomblets
available 06/43
#912 Fw 190G-3
2x 20mm MG 151 250 rounds
1x 250kg bomb
2x 250kg bomb
available 06/43
#121 Fw 190 A-8
2x 13mm MG 131 475 rounds
2x 20mm MG 151 250 rounds
2x 20mm MG 151 125 rounds
1x 500kg bomb
available 12/43
#914 Fw 190F-8
2x 13mm MG 131 475 rounds
2x 20mm MG 151 250 rounds
1x 500kg bomb
2x 250kg bombs
available 02/44
#915 Fw 190F-8
2x 13mm MG 131 475 rounds
2x 20mm MG 151 250 rounds
1x 1000kg bomb
available 02/44
The Bf 109:
The same here. #122 can be dropped (no 109 ever had a 30mm MK 101, only the MK 108 beginning with the G-6; the MK 101 weighted 139kg, the MK 103 141kg, both guns were much too large and way too heavy, so only the MK 108 which was 58kg, could be used)
Also #909 with the RZ 65 rocket was never used (see above)
#905 Bf 109D or E-1
4x 7.92mm MG 17
no bombs (bomb racks were only fitted after the Battle of Britain in autumn of 1940)
#906 Bf 109E-3
2x 7.92mm MG 17 1000 rounds
2x 20mm MG FF 60 rounds
no bombs
available 09/39
#907 Bf 109E-7/B (dedicated ground attack version, used until the end of 42)
2x 7.92mm MG 17 1000 rounds
2x 20mm MG FF 60 rounds
1x 250kg bomb
available 10/40 - 12/42
907 Bf 109E-7/B
2x 7.92mm MG 17 1000 rounds
2x 20mm MG FF 60 rounds
4x 50kg bomb
available 10/40 - 12/42
#909 Bf 109F-4
2x 7.92mm MG 17 500 rounds
1x 20mm MG 151 200 rounds
1x 250kg bomb
available 01/42
#122 Bf 109G-6
2x 13mm MG 131 400 rounds
1x 20mm MG 151 200 rounds
1x 500kg bomb
available 03/43
Last edited by Mario_Fr; March 30th, 2015 at 09:47 AM..