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Old March 30th, 2015, 04:09 PM

Mario_Fr Mario_Fr is offline
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Default Re: German OOB 16: minor corrections

Now the Hs 123:

The Hs 123 could carry one 250 kg bomb underneath the fuselage and two 50kg bomb under each wing = up to 450 kg of bombs.
As far as I know there was no 120kg bomb in the german arsenal like it is now in the OOB.

#349 has two 20mm MG 151 which has to be changed to MG FF, but anyway this was only a field mod and very seldom used. The standard armament was only two 7.92mm MG 17 with 500 rounds each in foward fuselage.

Hs 129:

B-1 and B-2 differed only in the fuel system, but only 70 B-1 were built, before production was switched to the B-2 in 05/42. Later in the war the usual 7.92mm MG 17 were exchanged for the 13mm MG 131 but this was only done sporadically.

All Hs 129 could carry one 50kg bomb under each wing (or SD 2 or SD 4 bomblets). Additionally different Rüstsätze could be added under the fuselage:

R1 4x 50kg bombs / 4x SD2 or SD4 bomblets /1x 250kg bomb
R2 30mm MK 101 / MK 103 (B-2)
R3 4x 7.92mm MG 17 with 1000 rounds each
Wa 1x 3.7cm BK 37 (as Ju 87 G-1)


#128 Hs 129B-2/R2
2x 7.92mm MG 17 1000 rounds each
2x 20mm MG 151 250 rounds each
1x MK 101 30 rounds
2x 50kg bombs
available 05/42

#130 Hs 129B-2/R1
2x 7.92mm MG 17 1000 rounds each
2x 20mm MG 151 250 rounds each
4x SD2 bomblets
2x SD2 bomblets
available 06/42

#240 Hs 129B-2/R1
2x 7.92mm MG 17 1000 rounds each
2x 20mm MG 151 250 rounds each
4x SD4 bomblets
2x SD4 bomblets
available 06/42

#900 Hs 129B-2/R1
2x 7.92mm MG 17 1000 rounds each
2x 20mm MG 151 250 rounds each
1x 250kg bomb
2x 50kg bombs
available 06/42


#900 Hs 129B-2/Wa
2x 7.92mm MG 17 1000 rounds each
2x 20mm MG 151 250 rounds each
1x 3.7cm BK 37 12 rounds
available early 43

As a consequence weapon number 210 (7.5cm LW40) could be dropped and number 173 (Werfrgranate 8r) as well. Also I really don`t know what these weapons are. The LW 40 seem to be a variant of the 75mm BK and the Werfergranate 8r is a russian rocket?? (the BM-8 maybe or the 8cm granade of the GrW 34) ?


Last edited by Mario_Fr; March 30th, 2015 at 04:29 PM..
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