Re: Penetration power of German 2cm guns
PzGr.40 (Armour Piercing Composite Rigid) can penetrate 40 mm of armour at 100 meters and that is based on rolled homogenous steel armour plate set at a 30° from the vertical. Our numbers are based on the best performance possible and we try to use numbers based on full vertical armour pens but stats from guns vary on testing practice which makes the entire process a bit of a guessing game at times. The pen then drops off the further to has to go based partially on the WH size and by range which is shown by the AP calc included with the game and the armour slope calc so 40mm of 30 degrees sloped armour is 46 mm of vertical armour. PLUS you will ALWAYS be able to find variations in pen stats between sources if you dig long enough.
The source I just used also says at 500 meters it will pen 20 mm of armour which is exactly what our AP pen calc says it will in the game with a "best" AP pen of 4.
Last edited by DRG; April 11th, 2019 at 11:13 AM..