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Old October 2nd, 2021, 03:01 PM

WilliamB WilliamB is offline
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Default Re: obat26 Afghanistan

The October issue of AirForces magazine has an article on the Afghan Air Force just before and during the collapse. I don't know how useful this information will be but I thought I would post it.

Quoting from a June 30th report by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction the operational strength of the Afghan A.F., excluding aircraft not in country was:

23 A-29B Super Tucano
10 AC-208B Eliminators
23 Cessna 208B Grand Caravans
3 C-130H Hercules
33 Mi-8/17 Hips
43 MD530F Cayuse Warriors
33 UH-60A+ Black Hawks

22 fixed wing aircraft and 24 helicopters, types not specified, were reportedly flown to Uzbekistan. 1 UH-60A+ is reported to have crashed in Uzbekistan when it ran out of fuel and 1 A-29B was destroyed when it collided with an Uzbek A.F. Mig-29.
About 40 operational fixed wing and helicopters are believed to have been captured by the Taliban, including 2 Mi-8/17s, 5 to 7 MD530Fs, at least 1 A-29B and an unknown number of AC-208Bs.
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