POLAND/M1A2P/UNIT 007/CHANGE/START/OCT 2025. // Change is needed due to 1st delivery just made on 18 JAN. I would think the new
START will be close enough to allow for acceptance trails, maintenance and training. The more conservative side says
JAN. 2026 but the Polish armed services professionalism is
far improved from where it was even ~15 years ago. We'll see. Again...
Forgot we did "letter" tags for the
export version the
M1A2 SEP 3.
USA: The
M1A3 Abrams, referred to as the
M1E3 has started industry/military trials as discussed in the next. This tank was decided upon when the USA in
SEP. 2023 cancelled the
M1A2D/M1A2 SEP 4.
M1A3 will be the beneficiary of both the
M1A2D and the
AbramsX technology demonstrator. One of the key elements it will be fully equipped to counter
BOTH drones and loitering munitions amongst other improvements.
It also discusses the state of European tank development and confirms what I thought concerning
CHALLENGER 3 (UK MOD better get going on this if we're to see this tank. No change to the MOD
IOC (2025) and the
FOC late 2030.) Franco-German
Main Ground Combat System (MGCS) is designed to replace the Leopard 2 and Leclerc tanks by the