Thread: MBT's
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Old January 27th, 2025, 04:47 PM
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Default Re: MBT's

Originally Posted by FASTBOAT TOUGH View Post
I'm posting this for two reasons.

One it backs up the upgrades we did for this tank and I'm not at all surprised by its battlefield "exploits" in the RL.

I don't think that MAYBE except by increasing the Stridsvagn 122 tanks "EW" that there is another option to make something like the following work or not. I speak of the SAAB BARRACUDA Camo System that's on the Swedish armor already for about a year now. It is generally considered the best system out there and I believe (Though it needs further research on my part.) the USA is testing it.

Even if this turns out to be only for "GP" it's worth posting just to see where this technology is currently.

Having some experience in like systems it's meant to defeat, I have to be honest and say I'm impressed by all I saw from the following website. That "TI" section "almost" reminded me of when near the end of "PREDATOR" when the Alien was hunting for "Arnie" in the scene where he had covered himself with mud (Which really works just in case you need it!) in the final battle sequence.

Certain people here know it takes a lot for me to feel that way about equipment issues. This is Top 3 for me.

To hide something like a tank with those results is a significant battlefield advantage at least in the "RL"

Again, if for no other reason, I hope some of you find this of some interest anyway.


OPen the OOB... add a series of test vehicles with an EW >4 ....try 10 then jump to 25 then 40..... every 15
Build a test game on a flat map with max visibilty and see if that addition makes any difference when you play against them.......... I don't think it will but that's what I would have to do and I do not have the time to do it as I already in this chair 8 hours a day dealing with all the other crap that needs to be dealt with and it's making me a tad "cranky"

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