Polish tanks:
009 M1A1P - much better icon, with an appropriate camo is 3898 (winter 2526, desert 1085). Polish M1A1 have pretty basic kit on the turret (my photo:
https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/F...G_20240903.jpg). Apparently they have no additional side armour - it rather should be 12, like USMC ones.
M1A1P designation is not used (at least not in Poland), they are USMC M1A1 FEP with additional modifications (BTW, USMC oob unit 467 M1A1HC FEP uses icon 3898)
As for now, I haven't found info when they could be considered operational (however, since 2022 Polish troops trained in Poland using 22 lent US M1A2)
007 M1A2P - actually, I'd give M1A2 the same icon - they are hard to be distinguished in practice, while the camouflage is the best. Polish M1A2 haven't such heavy stowage anyway.
036 K2PL - K2PL will be a designation of a polonized variant, this is just K2.
I believe, that the gun should be original South Korean (with better performance than "120 mm Mesko"). Korean APFSDS K276 and Heat K277 are bought (both 600 RHA, albeit from shorter L/44 barrel, however Korea has also better K279 APFSDS) (source: Wojsko i Technika 4/23)
Machine guns are in a mess (numbers copied from South Korea) - there should be 7.62 mm CMG (original is M60, but #71 7.62mm M240 CMG is enough approximation) and #176 50cal M2 AAMG.
Delivered to the first unit since 12/22, and after modification of radios and basic training, first firing on a proving ground was in late 3/23, so 4/23 might be the earliest practical date (of course, full certification of a battalion will last 36 months...)