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Old February 2nd, 2025, 11:07 PM

Lieutenant General
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FASTBOAT TOUGH is on a distinguished road
Fallout Re: SP, MLRS and SPAA Developments

Here to help (Maybe)...
Portugal also operated four M48A3 CHAPERRAL Systems primarily added non-game NBC and minor updates. For the record only all were converted to the M48A3 standard. Missile data included (RANGE verified by refs included plus others not. The missile timeline MORE than supports this. Just in case that has to be adjusted as they didn't get them until 1990 and they got the latest export version across the board. Also, below verified from Portuguese military site I'm not posting for reasons that I'm getting pictures of "pretty girls" or when I click on an item, I'm sent to the RAID game site (Name is Combat Armament-Blog.). Last updated in 2010. Apparently also a couple of sites are indicating they have 24 of the original units in storage (Maybe-Me. )

However, I did get the following worthwhile item:
"The "COMMANDO" does not die...he regroups in Hell" which is more than I can say about the site. Anyway...
(See Launch Vehicle Section bottom.)
(MIM-72J export based on above selected MIM-72G.)

So where do they go from here? That might still be a "maybe" but will track. I can tell you for certain the following will have an OTH capability with full 360-degree coverage plus IRST System plus more. The launch platform used went into production in 2020 the first deliveries made it looks like in late 2020 to very early 2021. Made in Spain for the Spanish Army plus others. Spain will be fully equipped with these vehicles later this year. I speak of the VAMTAC S3/ST5.

Portugal has just signed a contract for a small number of the VAMPAC ST5 with the French THALES RapidRanger AAM System (You will note in the video that Maylasia already has them operational.)***...ecfbe7931ea627
(Hope this opens up. And if anyone asks, I'm a Military Analyst.

Had to do some "tactical subterfuge" to get the last.

Maylasia and as yet unknown others will need further investigation but Maylasia for sure and if I had to make a guess somewhere mid 2023/early 2024. Any takers!?!

Baked in with the best refs possible!?! (Time to get a little "cocky" our annual (And published.) two weeks in Hell is just over the horizon and the following month as we were the best Security Team in the region last year, the powers to be from a land far, far away have decided because of that, they want to see us repeat or worse (Supposed to occur only about every 3 three years if picked.) So...

"The "COMMANDO/or the Security Officer" does not die...he regroups in Hell"

Slight variation but the rest assured it can feel like it. Q&A on situational awareness issues/responses, procedures, general orders (Just like you learned in "Boot Camp".) and more I can't go into. And of course, "DRILL BABY DRILL" and when you think you're done for the day, be careful when they get back from dinner. I'll leave it to your imagination. After these are over only 2 left for the first and hopefully maybe only one or none of the latter. Not to worry as "John Q Public" will know what we're doing about access etc. April 2027 not working while in May/June I'll be burning the last of my leave and celebrating my 68th in June fully retired with 43 years served with the Dept. of the Navy plus another 15 years as a public working citizen before that. Proud to have served but, ready to call it a day the closer I get.


EDIT: Changed spelling TORD UNIT 50/"CHANGE"/NAME/ in the submission.
"If something is not impossible, there must be a way of doing it." - Sir Nicholas Winton

"Ex communi periculo, fraternitas" - My career long mentor and current friend -QMCM/SS M. Moher USN Ret..

Last edited by FASTBOAT TOUGH; February 3rd, 2025 at 10:30 AM..
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