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MP Noobs and Vets II: Days of Infamy. MA, BI. Game Over. Supplicants Triumph! - .com.unity Forums
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Old March 29th, 2010, 06:08 PM
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Default Noobs and Vets II: Days of Infamy. MA, BI. Game Over. Supplicants Triumph!

The game is over. The Supplicants of Set win the game @ turn 33. Game 3 info and updates link:

This game is a unique combination of comp stomp, team game, and scenario.

Here are the settings for the second game in the planned three game series:

Era: Middle Age ...... Magic Research: Standard ... Special Site Frequency: 40 ... Indy strength: 4
Score Graphs: On .. HOF Entries: 15 .................... Random Events: Common .... M/R/S Multiples: 125

Renaming: On ........ Starting Provinces:1 ............. Mods: BI 2.1G, Custom AIs ... Server: Dom3Minions (Direct Connect)

Admin: Septimius Severus
Custom AI design and Placement: Gandalf Parker
IP Address: game.dom3minions.com, Port #: 10333
Team Forums: Noobs & Vets HQ
Score Graphs and Staling Data: http://navii.dom3minions.com/
External Game Timer: http://navii.dom3minions.com/bin/chk.cgi (Click on link and hit refresh button on your browser)

Hosting Interval, Delays, and Rollbacks: Hosting interval is 32 hrs till turn 10, 8 hrs added every 10 turns thereafter. Delays requests of 48 hrs or less granted automatically with a PM to admin and a post on this thread. Longer delays may require the use of subs/alternates.
No rollbacks.

Other Special Rules: Ban on global spells till turn 50. Prohibited activities: 1. Casting a global before turn 50, 2. Storming merc cap, 3. Stuffing labs and other forms of cheating, 4. Ignoring pretender restrictions. Penalty = Your team may choose either instant disqualification or public enemy #1 status (all human teams allied against your team).

Map and Team Placement: A random map will be used and human teams will be placed into one of the predefined color coded locations by the roll of a die. By default the Captain and Lieutenant on each team will be placed in front or facing the center with the noobs on the flanks or in the rear unless otherwise requested by team captains.

Player Experience Definitions: For the purposes of this game the following applies:

Veterans- Have 3 or more years of Dominions experience (either SP, MP, or both) and have a good understanding of the game mechanics and most other game aspects.

Intermediates - Have between 1 and 3 years of Dominions experience (either SP, MP, or both) and have a moderate understanding of game mechanics and most other game aspects.

Noobs - Have up to 1 year of Dominions experience (either SP, MP, or both) and have a limited understanding of game mechanics and of most other game aspects.

Team Composition: The teams will consist of 5 teams of 4 players each, plus a single human mercenary nation (optional). The first four teams will be played by human players, the fifth by AI nations. Each team (excepting the AI and mercenary) has the following positions available:

(1) Captain - Captains are the leaders of the team. They generally decide overall team strategy, have decision making authority, recruit players, and assign nations. As leader of the team, they may choose their nation first. If a team is without an advisor then the Captain handles any diplomacy the team wishes to engage in. Ideally, they should be veterans or intermediate level players.

(1) Lieutenant - Lieutenants are the second in command of each team and have all the powers of the Captain in the Captain's absence. Suitable for intermediate level players or intrepid noobs.

(2) Noobs - Noobs are the grunts and make up 1/2 of each human team.

(1) Advisor - Optional, but recommended. Team advisors do not actively play in the game but instead provide advice and guidance to teams. Advisors desiring greater participation may also act as ambassadors for inter-team diplomatic purposes and/or mercenary dealings. Advisors should be veterans or experienced/talented intermediates.

(2) Alternates - Also optional but highly recommended. Each team has two alternate slots available. Like advisors, alternates do not actively play in the game. Their main job is to act as subs for players. When present, they may also choose to act as diplomatic envoys under the advisor or engage in intelligence and espionage activities against other teams. Alternates should be either noobs or intermediates, but not vets.

Mercenary Nation: The Atlantean mercs are a solo nation and are open to any player experience level, but the more experience the better.

Communication: Teams may use the forums I have created here or make their own, use chat, e-mail, PM, in-game messaging, or any other method of communication they wish.

3 Ways to Win: 1. Conventional win - by annihilation or concession (excluding merc), 2. Insta-win - control 22 of the 33 VP locations (control of a fortification = control). Every marked location on map is worth 1 VP , 3. Most VPs - upon agreement by all captains to end the game, the team with the most VPs wins. Any VP tie will be decided based on most provinces held.

Team Name

of Crom


Supplicants of Set


Captain/AI God Nation/Status
Septimius Severus
Bandar Log
Lieut/AI God
Algae Nymph
Player/AI God
Player/AI God
T'ien Ch'i
Team Advisor

Feel free to post suggestions if you have them. Thanks.

Historical links: NvV, NvVII, NvVIII, NvV Noob Forum Archives, NvV Vet Forum Archives, NaV

Attached Files
File Type: pdf Noobs & Vets II Starting Provinces and Map Legend.pdf (46.6 KB, 375 views)
File Type: rar better_independents_v2-1_gold.rar (4.1 KB, 305 views)
File Type: rar NaVII Map.rar (5.43 MB, 359 views)
File Type: pdf NaVII Teams & Themes.pdf (71.7 KB, 371 views)
File Type: rar NaVII_Team_Pretenders_Mod.rar (153.1 KB, 306 views)

Last edited by Septimius Severus; October 15th, 2010 at 02:14 PM..
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Old March 29th, 2010, 06:08 PM
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Default Re: Nav II Under Construction. Recruiting Captains!

Noobs and Vets
Chapter II:
Days of Infamy

The world breathed a collective sigh of relief with the defeat of the AI menace. The victory proved that the clans and tribes of noobs and vets could in fact work and live together without trying to murder one other. For the vets, it was an opportunity to mold young noob minds and impart their knowledge to the next generation, whilst noobs and middling types benefited mightily from the sage advise of those skilled in the arts of war.

The AI menace having been vanquished, several rival groups vied for the rulership of the throne of the world and the ascendency of their gods. Powerful and ambitious, the Deva's Darlings (aka the Devas), unleashed a genocidal campaign upon the world, which they termed "Easy-slay". But the plans of the Devas were thwarted by an alliance of tribes led by ACGHHS, who ultimately absorbed all other groups and ascended to dominance ushering in an era of relative peace and stability.

But their was no real unity and soon the old rivalries began to surface. Specialization increased. Soon guilds sprang up, dedicated to this or that magical path and with a focus on other shared traits and a common identity. Along with these guilds came rumors of the existence of several mystery cults centered around places of great magical power. Some of these, it was said, were closely aligned with the magical paths of these guilds.

Soon after strange things started to happen. A flooded cavern was discovered near the ruins of the old kingdom of Fomoria. This cavern led to the discovery of a small network of underground lakes, caverns, and tunnels crisscrossing the entire world rumored to be inhabited by strange and bizarre creatures. Storms and tempests arose at various times in the heavens and lightning struck with peculiar precision, razing whole villages, towns, and cities to the ground.

A bitterly cold wind began to blow, originating from the mountain peaks and from sinister dark clouds that would form from time to time. The trees and grasses began to rustle, sometimes caused by these winds, sometimes seemingly of their own accord. Some of the old timers likened these events to the Days of Infamy associated with the old reign of terror which they insisted was long past. But they were wrong, for these things were not a thing of the past at all, in fact, the Days of the Infamy had only just begun!

Map Legend

Solid red circle = Primary AI start
o Hollow red circle = Secondary AI start
White, blue, green, and yellow solid circles = Human team starts
x Purple x = Special magic location
x Blue x = Underground lake cavern sea province


Be harmonious, enrich the soldiers, and scorn all other men.
-Emperor Septimius Severus, to his sons shortly before his death, quoted in Dio Cassius (77.15.2).
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Old March 30th, 2010, 02:56 AM
Squirrelloid Squirrelloid is offline
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Default Re: Nav II Under Construction. Recruiting Captains!

I hate to point out that MA Mictlan has no blood magic whatsoever.

(The best solution may be to move Mictlan to the AI team - their major element *is* air in MA - so Aby can rejoin the sanguinarium, and moving TC to Crom. TC isn't an awful fit for the team, since their main mages are fairly rainbowed, and do have E and F magic).
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Old March 30th, 2010, 10:14 AM

Maerlande Maerlande is offline
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Default Re: Nav II Under Construction. Recruiting Captains!

Do you have any plans to fix the hosting problems?
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Old March 30th, 2010, 10:35 AM

chrispedersen chrispedersen is offline
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Default Re: Nav II Under Construction. Recruiting Captains!

Last I heard Maer, it was going to be direct connect.
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Old March 30th, 2010, 04:56 PM
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Default Re: Nav II Under Construction. Recruiting Captains!

Originally Posted by Squirrelloid View Post
I hate to point out that MA Mictlan has no blood magic whatsoever.

(The best solution may be to move Mictlan to the AI team - their major element *is* air in MA - so Aby can rejoin the sanguinarium, and moving TC to Crom. TC isn't an awful fit for the team, since their main mages are fairly rainbowed, and do have E and F magic).
True about MA Mictlan, though they do have a tiny random chance at blood and have some astral which is beneficial. I am strongly tempted though to move Abysia back to the Sanguinarium and throw Ashdod back where I had wanted them in the first place and where they are thematic, on Children of Crom, instead of TC. If only the veterans weren't so against Ashdod and Ulm together, even MA Ulm. What do you think Squirrel, should I buck the veterans opinion? Have you changed your thinking about Children of Crom looking at the pretenders they have available to them? Forge Lord, etc?

TC is an excellent nation but is best in the hands of the most experienced players.

Maerlande, there should be no PBEM hosting issues as this game is direct connect.

Be harmonious, enrich the soldiers, and scorn all other men.
-Emperor Septimius Severus, to his sons shortly before his death, quoted in Dio Cassius (77.15.2).
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Old March 30th, 2010, 05:17 PM

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Default Re: Nav II Under Construction. Recruiting Captains!

This looks fantastic!
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Old March 30th, 2010, 06:39 PM

Maerlande Maerlande is offline
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Default Re: Nav II Under Construction. Recruiting Captains!

Okay Sept. Interesting way to run a big game.
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Old March 31st, 2010, 02:58 AM
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Default Re: NaV II Under Construction. Recruiting Captains!

Below is just an example of the possible services (and some suggested prices) the Atlantean mercs might offer clients:

a. Scry or scout a province - 30 gold

b. Forge an item (water) - 40 gold and up

c. Site search (water) - 75 gold

d. Stealth preach (for 3 turns?) 100 gold

e. Assassination attempt - 150 gold

f. Remote magical attack (Wolven Winter, etc.) - 250 gold and up

f. Attack a single AI or team province:
  1. small attack - 300 gold
  2. medium attack - 600 gold
  3. kill them all! - 900 gold
g. Attack a team (any available provinces)
  1. 3 turn contract - 750 gold
  2. 6 turn contract - 1,500 gold
h. Fort toll passage (one way) - 2,500 gold

I. Cap toll passage (one way) - 5,000 gold

Be harmonious, enrich the soldiers, and scorn all other men.
-Emperor Septimius Severus, to his sons shortly before his death, quoted in Dio Cassius (77.15.2).

Last edited by Septimius Severus; March 31st, 2010 at 03:22 AM..
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Old April 1st, 2010, 06:13 AM

Folket Folket is offline
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Default Re: NaV II Under Construction. Now Recruiting Captains!

I feel sorry for the children of Crom.
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