Hey guys this a serious point I would like to state and I hope you dont mind my long windedness. (Did I spell that word right?)
Anyway I feel as a very small community as opposed to certain other game genres, we are pretty strong, but maybe its time we pool our resources together? There have been a few sites that I have been on since I have returned and seem to get old or outdated links..
May I make a suggestion that we as a community of players and modders put up and gather all the remaining sites and some way combine all of us?
Some could be the main modders, others forum Moderators, graphics, and Dave you can do the Avatars

, and so forth. I just don't like seeing fan sites disappear or feel neglected. Its kind of sad...that just being my opinion, but why not? I know myself that I am not a modder and in fact have been taking forever just to do my Flag, thanks Dave for the Bengal tiger Avatars I bummed off your site, anyway I digress, I could help like just clean up our site..I dont know am I just blowing up smoke? Its just I get tired of seeing all my favorite fan sites fall down or being unused or unchecked. I just think if we all have some way of contributing a fan site can stay as fresh and prepared.
If I am alone just smakc me around a bit...
hehe just a view from the sidelines