Combat, thanks for the heads up on the wiki thing, but I would rather leave the changing of things to those who know more about how to do such things.
As to the beta, the beta was released in August of 2000. I ordered my full copy from shrapnel games in September. The game was moved back twice into mid Novemeber of 2000. I remember being ticked off at shrapnel for charging me an astronomical amount for S&H.
My first ship set was a Federation one released I think in Late December 2000. I played SE IV at TribesCon 3 in August 2001 and made a few dozen sales for Shrapnel there. Then 9/11 happened.
If you look at the first posts made in this forum about this game you will see that most of them were made BEFORE 2001. I joined in Nov 2000, albeit it says I joined in Dec, but really it was Nov. (I recall it was right around thanksgiving.)
So yes the information on the wiki page about when the game was originally release is in error. As to the date of Golds release, well I am not positive, but I believe that was in February of 2001. (?)
I trust I have made a compelling case.