Hello all.
It's been long. Too long, in fact - so long that I forgot my login and the e-mail from which I logged back then is dead and unused and buried. Hence my new handle.
A lot changed in my life since I last logged in on these forums or - for that matter - played SPWW2 or SPMBT. One of main reasons was... I was busy. Too damn busy, in fact, with a complete changeover of my life that came two years ago, when I said "yes". To what? Well, to turning my hobby into my job. I applied for Community job in Wargaming Europe when the office was established here, in "sunny" Boulogne-Billancourt and since then I am here, taking care of Czech players of WoT and WoWP.
This gave me a lot of ups and downs. For most of the time I was too stressed and overworked to play SP or to do anything about the game. Hopefully this is now becoming better, so I have installed both games on my new PC and I start getting into them again.
On the other hand... Since gaming (and moreover tanks) is now my day job, I had a lot of opportunity and access to sources about armor and guns - quite often quite interesting stuff that started popping up in recent years in Russia.
Now the time has come to come back. Two years without SP was too long and it will take me some time to get back up to speed, but I guess Soon™ i will eb able to resume what I did probably best - creating cool maps. Trips to French countryside provided me with a lot of nice localities, so there
Exiled Penguin aka Tuccy