Cannot change Battle Depth/Height
I play Dom3 3.23b on a 1-yr-old Asus M50Sa laptop, running the latest Vista version. Everything runs smooth as silk (as do most of even the latest games).
One thing does not work, however: in battle replays, I can move the map around, but I cannot raise or lower the field with pageup/pagedown. This is particularly bothersome when in a mountain province, since if you move the battle even a little bit to the left, you usually "bump" a mountain and the view gets raised up a few notches, leaving nothing but tiny little icons left.
I think the problem is that you have keyed the control of raising and lowering the view to pageup/pagedown keys on a standard keyboard, and mine might deviate from those.
My question is this: Is there any way that you could add the additional support of further keys? I don't care which ones those are, they could be "u" and "j" for all it's worth, but please please let me control the battle height/depth somehow.
Thank you very much in advance for a reply!