Just purchased SE_V and I was wondering what game balance mods / tools are recommended. Is the wikipedia advice overall accurate? I was surprised to see shrapnel_games is not selling this game anymore. Probably good I purchased the game inside a store since the steam download version doesn't have the most recent patch?
Any other advice for those just starting? Is there another forum more heavily used for this game?
~~The Story
While waiting for a hail storm to slow down I took a walk inside a Big!Lots store and found Space_Empires_V for only $6 !
There can be only one.
Last edited by NTJedi; April 11th, 2009 at 05:22 PM..
Reason: added question
Shrapnel Games never published SE5 - but they were nice enough to keep the forums up.
Make sure you update your game to v1.77. The UI will take a bit of time to get used to versus SE4, but there are lots of shortcuts that make it much better. It's just a matter of getting to know it for the most part.
Spaceempires5.com and Spaceempires.net have the most active forums.
I recommend avoiding the stock game because it's not very well balanced and the AI is underdeveloped, there's a number of mods available. The Balance Mod is a good place to start because it's close to the stock game in general play and has a decent AI.