The manual on page 5 explain very good the DRN (open-ended-dice) system.
So i made a small python script to test it out. Improved my knowlege about the game's random numbers, maybe it is useful for others too.
you need python from to run this script.
# works like a normal dice, but you can throw the dice again
# if the dice rolls the highest possible number.
# If the dice rolls the highest possible number, the number will be added, then
# 1 will be substracted and the dice rolls again.
# allows (theoretical) extremly highs values, but only in extrem rare situations
import random
def domdice(sides=6):
"rolls a dice. sides must be > 1"
if sides < 2:
raise SystemExit
sum = 1
dice = sides
while dice == sides:
sum -=1
dice = random.randint(1,sides)
sum += dice
return sum
#-------- try it out ------
results = {}
for x in xrange(10000):
roll = domdice()+domdice()
if roll in results:
results[roll] += 1
results[roll] = 1
for key in range(1,max(results),1):
if key in results:
print "%d %d" % (key, results[key])