precision is useless to them, as they do not use missile weapons.
probably the best is to just mix them in w/ some normal abyssian heavy infantry. the Lava warriors will kill whatever they walk into (probably ), but they fatigue extremely quickly so they need to have immediate support around them
Originally posted by archaeolept: precision is useless to them, as they do not use missile weapons.
Yes, I was going to comment on that as well but I forgot. "Attack Skill" determines how often a unit hits another one in melee, while Precision is the accuracy stat for ranged weapons and spells.
I agree with the realistic Irishman who said he preferred to prophesy *after* the event.
-- G.K. Chesterton
Hmm, I am by no means an Abysia expert, but if you use the best defensive infantry to take the inital charge from the enemy, then have your lava warriors flank in from the sides to do damage, they seem to work well.
I do recall still losing a fair amount of them, but they can really deal out some damage. To me, they seemed pretty powerful when I used them a short while back.
lava warriors can kill anything if you have good enough blood blessing and a warm climate, they just need to stay alive long enough to get to the enemy.