How about a deck of playing cards? Use 4 races and place a pic of their ships on the front of each card. (I believe there are 13 ships for each race) Have the the colony ship as Ace and the other ships in order of biggest to smallest for the King down to the Two.
Or! We could get togeather and invent a whole new card game based on SE, (kind of like MTG where there would be all kinds of cards, (ie: shields, PDC's, Beam weapons, Faster engines etc.)
Using MTG as a reference, faster ships could have 'first strike', a ship could be enhanced with better weapons. play effect cards like nebula could also be made,.. Use research and intel cards as mana, you need 2 research and 1 intel to bring ship x into play,..
Hmmm, interesting idea? So, what do you people think. Is a Space Empires Trading card game a good idea?
Atrocities, this idea is your fault, you sparked my interest by talking about 'cards'. Now my brain is on fire.
P.S. maybe if we make the SE Trading card game interesting enough, Aaron would like to make a computer Version after SE5. It would sure be a change of pace for him.
[ January 04, 2004, 11:23: Message edited by: David E. Gervais ]