This thread is for players and sideline comments on the Invulnerable Challenge Tournament progression. where players can post their progress, summaries, and debriefs. Participants can post their wrap-ups there, and this way, other players refrain from reading other participants' spoiler Posts (unless they really want to).
Since this game is run on the honor system, and, really, it's all about having fun, I don't think that would be a problem. I think many of us would find that very enjoyable...
WARNING! You are discouraged from reading other player's tactics in this thread if you are actively competing in the challenge!
--Please post your game progress any time you please, but don't read up on the tactics of other players.
--You may choose to finish your game first... then tell us all about it!
[ July 10, 2003, 16:08: Message edited by: Stone Mill ]