coobe said:
cool dude I like screenies of SC´s... there was once a thread, we should start a new one
Okay, I'll post a few screenies from my latest Ulm Reborn game for your consideration. NOTE: I play SP, so I'm not going to make any claims about how well these guys would perform in MP....
First, we have Tiamat, the commander of Team Tarrasque:
Only having two Misc slots puts a real limit on how thoroughly I can "pimp out" my big lizard, but that's okay. Tarrasques don't really need much equipment to be hardcore killing machines. The Astral empowerment is so that she can Gateway her buddies in Team Tarrasque all over the world to do my evil bidding.
Second, the noble Van Duk:
He's not a full-fledged SC, but he does make a good Thug. Keen observers will note that Van Duk is carrying a Hell Sword which was forged by tainted Blood magic. How does he rationalize such evil with the strict moral code of Ulm Reborn? Simple ... his God told him that it was okay.
Third, Liwet the Sternheld:
Again, not a true SC, but a
great Thug. He self-buffs with Personal Luck, Astral Shield, & Mistform. Then Liwet soars over the fray to strike the enemy's vulnerable rear. What's his heroic ability? Why, Awesome Presence, of course....
Finally, the only "true" SC of this post, Antrax the King of Banefires:
His MR is a bit low, but my AI opponents haven't figured out how to take advantage of that weakness. If I were playing Antrax against a human, I'd give him some +MR gear for sure. Probably a Starshine Cap and a Lead Shield....