Well to make a long story short, I had some unexpected time on my hands, so I dug up a project that has been collecting dust for a long time. The old timers will remember the Old Borg Forums and Hypercom. Back in the day, we used to have game challenges and blow by blow game reports in the Borg Forums. I really used to enjoy reading them. We also had a Forum called Hypercom that was connected to the SE Ladder. So I decided to bring back Hypercom as an attempt to bring back the culture of the old Borg Forum. Well perhaps mostly to try and get people to start posting blow by blow game reports again. As well as some roll play posts. For now it can be found at
Still working on the dynamic address and blocked port stuff that my ISP torments me with. When that gets done it will be at arklamp.com
Take a look, make some suggestions. Lets see if we can perhaps get it started and get some game reports going.
Help Wanted
We will need some moderators. How many depends on member count.
Also, if any one knows flash and wants to work on the portal, the job is open.