Seeing that all of my other favorite Sci-Fi mods are already heavily modded (Star Trek, Star Wars, B5, in no particular order), I decided to start on a mod from another one of my favorite sci-fi worlds, that being Robotech/Macross. I know that they are two losely connected universes, but since neither on its own has sufficient 'stuff' to make an independent mod I decided to combine the two (so please don't nail me for messing up canon stuff!
I read, a while back on the board, that others had started and a Macross mod, but could not find any reference to released files. I have completed around 50% of the 4 main Empire's graphic mods and would like to see where anyone else had gone with the graphics. My Space Empires IV Gold is en-route, so I have not yet seen the 200MB of files included, but I have also not found any Robotech/Macross mod on any website or through any search on this board.
Thanks in advance!