Rather than intervene directly and personally and cure all ills, I'd rather give humanity a (hard) nudge in the right direction and let them sort things out for themselves.
First I'd appear simultaneously and with some big, spectacular and undeniable miracle in every church, mosque, synagogue, temple and whatnot in the entire world and say (in the appropriate Languages) "Right, I'm God and I'm sick to death of you lot bickering and fighting over how I should be worshipped, so I don't want you to worship Me at all. I don't want any more priests, monks, rabbis, nuns, shrines, altars, prayers, statues, idols, hymns, chants, offerings, blessings or anything. Just take Me for granted and get on with your lives. By all means continue to get together at the church every Sunday morning for a sing-song and I'm all in favour of organising charity works and such, but you'll have to do all that in someone else's name. And for My sake let that poor old bloody Pope retire. Can't you see he needs a rest? You've all had the same message now so there's no excuse, now get out there and be nice to one another."
Then I'd disappear.
That would take quite a lot of my minute, since I'd have to do it in human-time rather than God-time, so I'd have to be quick with the rest.
Next I'd visit thousands of engineers, students, inventors and entrepreneurs across the planet, implanting in their heads the knowledge necessary to make a cheap, clean and limitless energy source, and a cheap, clean, safe and easy-to-build spaceship, thus ushering in a new age of wealth, exploration and discovery for the entire human race.
Just to make sure humanity was motivated to make proper use of this gift, I'd go to Mars and plant a big black obelisk just in the spot where the latest probe is just about to explore=-) On closer examination (ie when humans actually get there) there would be a label on the back that said "Made in Taiwan." And underneath that: "Just Kidding, keep up the good work" and signed "God"
The free energy thing might stuff up the world's economy though, as giant oil and power companies go bust (Oops, sorry Dubbya

). I'd compensate for this by speaking to the heads of the megacorporations in their dreams (first sending them instantly to sleep if they happened to be awake at the time) and compelling them to spend big wads of their corporate cash on goodwill projects in deprived areas all over the world to distribute food and medecines, and to build roads and schools and hospitals and irrigation and to train people and whatever else is needed. Hopefully all that new activity and industry would soak up the job losses and economic depression caused by nuclear power stations and oil rigs and oil tankers (and priests and monks and nuns) suddenly becoming obselete.
I think those few actions should be enough to redirect peoples' energies in more positive directions. The religion thing should sort out half the world's conflicts, and the sudden abundance of energy and the prospect of space exploration should sort out most of the rest, and then with everyone suddenly being so nice to one another a tide of goodwill would sweep the Earth and things like curing ilness, saving the environment and feeding the hungry would follow on naturally.
If course, being God, I'd have had the knowledge and Power necessary to accomplish all the above in exactly 55 seconds. I'd use 4 more seconds to I'd have a quick look around the cosmos for intelligent life on other worlds, and find out if the universe actually does have an edge, just to satisfy my own curiosity,
Finally, with my Last second I'd alter myself so that when I stop being God, I will have a sixpack and a metabolism that allows me to eat all the cheese and red meat I want without worrying about my cholesterol.
Oh, and if I had a half-second left I'd be sorely tempted to take the asteroid belt, a few of jupiter's moons and all the crap floating about beyond Saturn and turn it into a massive Ringworld between Earth and Mars with a breathable atmosphere and continents carved to spell out my name and obelisks all over the bloody place but to be honest I think that might be a bit much=-)