Heh, I never thought people *want* the level-4 cap of the demo!
Well, it is quite a bore to go through manually, and I don't have an easy way to get list of spells (ordered by school or even research level) that a simple program could make into a .dm file. I think I will just mod a nation or two, I'm working with Abysia and C'tis ATM.
If/when we get more modding commands, does anyone else have any wishes? You might want to take a look on some of the wishlist threads before suggesting, though. The ones that came up in this thread were:
#addhero id|name
#startspell name
commands for editing the pretender list of a nation, including commands for clearing, adding and (maybe) removing pretenders from that nation's list
ability to give nation more than one different types of starting units (eg. 10 city guards/ 15 light infantries for C'tis)