So Catsby, what do you make of my offer?
You invaded us, unprovoked, four times killing hundreds of citizens of Tien Chi. During this time we were content to contain your aggression while concentrating on conquering Arcocephale and destroying the infrastructure of Helheim.
Now Arcocephale is conquered, and Helheim is reduced to a wandering nomadic tribe of pillagers in our hinterland - difficult to fight with troops but contained enough that we shall smite them from afar with magic until they no longer can push forward on any front.
And what of Sauromatia? The largest, most advanced armies the world has ever seen sit upn the Sauromatian border and we
know with perfect certainty that if we do
nothing that the Sauromatians will again invade our lands and kill our people. No, now is the time to strike back. Four times will the Sauromatian people feel the sting of Tien Chi invasion. And
then, when they have suffered what we have suffered, when the devastation of war burns in their cities instead of ours,
then we can speak of peace.
The Sauromatian people have lost nothing but pride. That ends now. We shall begin our conquest of the cities of Sauromatia this month. Your armies will crumble under the weight of ice from the sky. Your armies will drown in lava pooled from the ground. Your people will taste what it means to have a war fought on their lands.
Sauromatia will learn the taste of suffering. Then, and only then, will we entertain Sauromatia's pleas for forebearance. When the citizens of your barbarous skin eating empire have seen for themselves the reasons your armies have been turned back again and again -
then we will see what peace is worth to you!
The Great Catsby has Spoken.