I decided to compile my personal tinkering and put it out on the market, for no other reason than personal self-gratification.
It's mostly some basic pretender-work. Three of these are straight-up pretenders. The Ecclesiarch is a 'priest'-like pretender, with 'fluffesque' abilities such as Pillage, Fortune Telling, and Patrol Bonus - things usually not handled by a pretender. The God-King and the Sunwell are very straightforward analogues to pre-existing pretenders, such as the Divine Emperor, the Fountain of Blood & the Oracle.
The Spider King, however, is another matter entirely. While a counterpart to the Scorpion King, it also features a number of changes to Machaka. When I first tried Machaka, I liked the flavour of the nation, but I felt that much of it's approach lacked a certain... "umph".
In response to this, all spiders now have Mountain Survival, and all units have between 2-3 Map movement. This is to help Machaka play on one of it's already established strengths more freely; it's movement capabilities. In addition to that, militia now gets Patrol Bonus: 2 - so that they are even considered worthwile in certain circumstances. Another "major" addition is that Spider Warriors and Bane Spiders (now Banelings and Banelords) have Mountain Survival, Swamp Survival, Forest Survival and Wasteland Survival.
There were a number of smaller tweaks, aswell as a lot of added fluff-text to the majority of Machakan units, some who had single-line descriptions before. Some have been renamed for not particular reason other than I didn't like their name and/or they weren't "consistant" (in my own, highly subjective, opinion). Overall, I feel that Machaka has at least a little bit more substance overall now, albeit ever so slightly more powerful.