Effects of berzerk
What are the exact effects of "berzerk" status? In another thread, someone mentioned in passing that berzerk gives +1 protection, strength, and attack per berzerk level. However, I thought that berzerk is supposed to also give you a penalty to defense. Is the penalty -1 per level?
I'm trying a bless strategy using nature, and my units' stats are no different after they've been blessed. However, they do get a "berzerker" status which says something to the effect of "your units may go berzerk if they're damaged". Does any damage trigger the berzerking?
And while I'm on the topic of bless effects, what are the exact effects of Flaming Weapons, Lesser Fear, Life After Death, regular Fear, (which is apparently only available to undead)and Death Curse?
[ April 19, 2004, 22:16: Message edited by: Anaxagoras ]