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Old January 7th, 2005, 10:17 AM
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Default Short question on Routing and Timing

When do routed troops show up?

Assume provinces A, B and C are neighbors. A and B are friendly neighbors owned by me, C is an enemy neighbor.

Let's say that in province A, I have 5 commanders and 50 troops. In Turn X, Province A gets hit by the Ghost Riders spell. Furthermore, a conventional army has moved in from C to attack me on turn X.

Let's say I repel the Ghost Riders spell, but 10 of my troops have routed.
Let's say too that I have lost the battle in A, but that 3 of my commanders and a further 10 of my have survived to rout. All of the survivors from both attacks have routed to province B.

Now will those routed troops first show up in turn X+1 or in turn X? If they show up first in turn X+1, when will they do so?
In other words:
1. Will those routed troops (which ones? the ones from the ghost riders spell? all? none?) fight any battles on turn X if province B if province B was also the target of a conventional battle? Of a magical battle if it happened after the first one on turn X?
2. Will those routed troops fight against magical battles in turn X+1? Conventional battles?

Thank you.
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Old January 7th, 2005, 03:26 PM

Tuna Tuna is offline
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Default Re: Short question on Routing and Timing

They will not fight any battles in any case on turn x, they are, in effect "in transit" for the turn, and as soon as all the battles for turn x are fought and other actions completed, they reappear in a neighbouring friendly province, turning them back into normal troops.
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Old January 7th, 2005, 09:10 PM

alexti alexti is offline
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Default Re: Short question on Routing and Timing

I am not sure how it work exactly either. From my observation, the troops that routed in the magic phase *may* participate in the battle that happens in a regular phase. For example, I've seen the situation like that: I've magic-dropped my SC on top of Niefel Jarl. Niefel Jarl was injured, got an affliction and got down to something like 30HP. In the same turn I was attacking the neighbouring province with the regularly moving army. When they've arrived, the routed Jarl was there, with affliction and with exactly the same number of HP (name and equipment matched as well, so it was surely the same guy). Interestingly, he has not recovered his lost HP during the route...
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Old January 7th, 2005, 10:16 PM

Ironhawk Ironhawk is offline
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Default Re: Short question on Routing and Timing

I agree with both Tuna and Alexti.

What I'm curious about tho is how routing soliders choose the province that they will rout to. Does it happen after all combat is resolved? Or does it happen immediately after each battle in that phase (magical or normal)?

If it happens immediately after the battle then that implies that troops and commanders can be killed "when retreating into enemy territory" even if you have a friendly province next to the original battle site at the turn end. This may be common knowledge but I only recall getting the "killed when retreating" message when my troops were surrounded or cut off in some fashion.
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