Food items don\'t stack across commanders?
I have a bunch of wine bags, with the occasional cauldron or summer sword thrown in, but my troops are still starving, contrary to simple arithmetic expectation.
I'm not suprised that the same misc item on the same commander doesn't stack, but I would think that different items on the same commander should, and multiple commanders with similar items definitely should as well.
I have three commanders with one winebag each with aggregate supply <75
In a different province I have a commander with a winebag and a summer sword with aggregate supply again <75.
What exactly are the rules? If only one instance of each food item works per province, then large non-undead armies are impossible.
Is my app bugged? I have the full Version installed, and I don't remember having this problem to a similar degree in earlier games...
Any thoughts? Thanks for all replies.
P.S. Do wraith swords have any unpleasant effects on non-undead wielders, or do they make good assasin weapons?