March 2nd, 2004, 11:28 PM
Join Date: Oct 2003
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Re: Better, Simpler Programming Contest
Originally posted by Saber Cherry:
Sorry, I was not very clear...
quote: me:
The program will be graded according to how many resources are used (% of total for each type) and how fast it runs.
Oops, sorry, how stupid of me, missing that part in brackets. Must be the late hour... Anyway, that makes sense.
Just occured to me, wouldn't it be reasonable to be able to assign some arbitrary value to different units, as in 'this is better than that'? For I get the feeling that if all units are equal and only gold/res/holy is taken into account the resulting armies would be very much like the current AI likes (loads of LI) if you give normal dom-values as input (higher gold than resources). Like final goal = Max(units' values - resources lost), your original proposition would be where all units have value of zero. Or maybe that would just be unnecessary complication. Things are good to be kept simple.
Originally posted by Saber Cherry:
in other words, don't cheat by finding some linear-combination optimizer.
Don't worry, didn't cross my mind. Anyway much that you wrote was total greek to me, as I'm not too much into computers. Currently being schooled to be one of those who just use programs like this competition's results without caring how it technically works. Ignorance is a bliss.
Just asking questions out of general interest and occasional boredom.