S&A strats?
So obviously when I got the game, I end up trying one of my favorite themes in dom II, S&A. However,boy did some of their tricks change a lot. First off, you can no longer defend yourself simply by just conjuring up an army of national summons mixed with body ethereal at will. Archers are very effective since it's early age and everyone has crap for armor. Not to mention nobles are one of the strongest troops in the early game. However, most noticeable is the HUGE variety of sacred troops! From cheapie warriors to those buff demons and celestial soldiers! So what we have is quite interesting, the old turtle and horde strat is a bit weakened in exchange for the potential for a uber bless strat instead. So what're people's strats with this race? Is the dual bless strat really that effective (aka f9/w9 or any new bless combos? n4/w9 for example ...etc)? What's worked for people so far? Especially ye beta folks!