Respect for the dead
Saarud you were a very very tough opponent. I could not understand how you had such a huge army with just 5 provinces. But then i figured out about the patrolling when i saw the population left in your capitol. And you never gave up and even attacked out of your capitol at the exact same time your dominion waned.
You never ever gave up and did all you could as long as you could. Next time i hope to be on your side. Both of us realized what a tough opponent you were and tried to make peace with you even though we knew we could win. I I understand why you refused. this was a very crowded game wiht close start positions.
Through victory and defeat you were a very good opponent in skill and most importanly in civility and good humour.
We put up many monuments to the brave people who once lived in these lands. although we also talk about how cruel these agarthas were to the local populace with their oppresive and deadly taxes
I salute you and your brave Agartha.