I am hosting a MA game with the Epic Heroes Mod, Black Tome blessing fix, and the Worthy Heroes Mod on Llamabeast's Automated PBEM server. The purpose of this game is to test the Epic Heroes Mod for balance in a mp setting.
We will be using Battlemap, which has 250 provinces, 18 of which are sea. There will be a total of 12 players, with a max. of 2 water races. Each race will start with at least 4 provinces adjacent to their capital.
There are real mountains on the map, so you can build mountain castles. There is no waste. "Many Magic sites" are coded to provinces that have a volcano or the stone henge graphic.
The map has 12 set starting spots for the capitals. Llamabeast(who is not playing) will generate random starting positions for the 12 races.
The Players are:
1. Zoshan-Atlantis
2. Dr. P-Tien chi
3. Xietor-Shinuyama
4. Dragonninjaakira-Ctis
5. LoloMo-Agartha
6. Gameextremeist-Arcos.
7. jutetrea -Mictlan
8. Foodstamp-Vanheim
9. Horst F. Jens-Man
10 Sieger-R'lyeh(water races now closed).
11.Tuidjy -Pythium
The most recent version of Epic Heroes Mod(1.4) can be downloaded here:
The map we will be using is here and it is called Battlemap.
I have used it in other mp games and it was favorably received.
Turin just came out with Worthy Heroes 1.7, the link is here:
Dr. P's Black Tome is here