Re: Ghost players ?
EH, I am near certain a sub(maybe Tyrant) did your last turn since you were mia with no explanation. Read the last couple of pages and all will be somewhat clearer.
After 80 hours had passed, and you had not done a turn, coupled with your attempt to find a sub and statement that you had iffy internet, I honestly thought that what you feared would occur did in fact happen.
And it really was not fair to hold up the game for 5 days waiting on you(though that was not your fault of course). But I hope it all works out for you. I see Tyrant is not the sub, or he most certainly would return control to you if you wanted it. Good luck in getting it sorted out with thadeus.
"War is an art and as such is not susceptible of explanation by fixed formula."
- General George Patton Jr.