Re: OT: Star Trek Nemesis
Well, I think its good to hear that at least the possibility of other movies is still hopeful. I just hope if they do continue on the Star Trek Saga, plan it right and basically forget about Voyager at least. Their best bet would be to relate any future movies to DS9 and TNG. I guess we will have to wait and see, but another movie probably will not happen for at least a few years. Wasn't Inserection released in 1998?
Hey gregebowman,
About your ST2 question, I do agree, that is sort of a problem about the young people. The only theory I could think of is maybe that the entire crew of the sleeper ship were Genetically enhanced by age too. Maybe they could live longer than normal humans. I know, sounds like a Trekkie theory to explain another inconsistancy, but I have no clue what other theory explains the young followers of Kahn.
P.S. I could be wrong about this, but I heard that in ST2, their was an entire chapter of how Kahns crew took over the Reliant. I heard it was a lot of hand to hand combat and killing. I guess they cut it from the final cut because it ran too long. On the other hand, maybe they cut it because it was rediculas because even the Reliant had a heavily armed security force. Unless they were caught comepletely by suprised, Genetic Enhancements wouldn't protect you from Phasers.
[ September 06, 2002, 07:22: Message edited by: Magnum357 ]
I started my first game. The Selay Consortium just hosed a colony ship, @#%Q@#R, Then accepted a Trade Treaty.
What is it about Neutrals that shoot first and ask quesitons later?
Its called Gun Ship Diplomacy. <img border=0 title= alt=[Big Grin] src=biggrin.gif /]