Re: Gandalf\'s Random Circus
Originally posted by Daynarr:
Hmm, by looking at those maps I'd say you could almost use them in Dom II without any changes. The only thing that could be the problem are those dots in upper left corner.
Ive been considering trying to write a ghost script or a gimp script to do that. In its simplest form it could just overwrite the first 16 bits with a color for borders?
The rest seems to be just fine. If you could make RMG that wont make those dots you could have Dom II RMG. At least it looks that way to me.
There is source code available Online for the generator that created those maps. There are things that Dom 1 filled in automatically if it was missing in the MAP file that Dom 2 (for some reason) isnt going to be as forgiving about. But it should be fairly easy for someone to modify the old code. I think its written in C. If some C programmer doesnt eventually take a look at it maybe I will. Finding where the first 16 dots are put in and snipping that, then finding where it writes lines for the MAP file and adding a few, might not need real understanding of the language.
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