November 3rd, 2003, 08:58 PM
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Re: Impartial MASTER LIST of issues/problems
Originally posted by Saber Cherry:
Currently, a lot of people argue or complain about the gold economy in Dominions 2, as well as the viability of light versus heavy units.
My suggestion:
For the game setup screen, take out "World Richness", and put in "Gold Richness" and "Resource Richness" as independant settings. Instead of 3 settings - low (50%), normal (100%), and high (200%) - give each 20 settings: 10% through 200%, in 10% increments.
Master List bullets:
* Add separate gold richness and resource richness settings for new games
* Allow finer adjustment of map richness levels, in 10% increments
10% increments are a bit much. How about these increments?
Very Low (50%)
Low (75%)
Normal (100%)
High (150%)
Very High (200%)