The Power of Pangaea - Centaur Warriors
A while back Jasper commented that having tested Pangaea he came back with the view that the order Version was clearly better than the luck Version and I couldn't understand this as it means no Maenads. Having tested Pangaea I think I know why Japser came to this view - Centaurs Warrriors.
The basic Centaur Warrior is an awesome unit. 40gps, 11res, for 20hps, 13str, 16def, 11prot, MR13, 2 attacks, javelins, stealthy, berserk3, move 3/29, and (I think) the ability to recover from afflictions. Tough and fast to build due to low resource cost.
By the time I attacked Ctis (t.16) I had a force of 45 Centaur Warriors 15 Centaur archers, 4 Horned Serpents and a few javelin satyr to attract enemy fire (very worthwhile) in my main army. I made the generally fatal mistake of having my Dryad sneak with 20 CW and 7CA but still thrashed a large Ctis army with the remaining units lacking any morale boosting effects.
I'm using the Druid as a rainbow mage so the race wasn't exactly aimed at speed but it still hums along. Think I will have to find a better pretender but I'm not sure what. Lotsa points available as sloth3 is easy to manage. Something fast moving that can cast combat enhancing spells for CW's seems the way to go - maybe the Medusa.
The reason this pushes Pangaea towards order is that what with spending all the gold on Centaurs you don't have any over for Pan so you may as well take order and get more centaurs. I did fine with turmoil in my first test its just that Centaurs go with order and Centaurs rock. Satyr Hopilites on the other hand work well with turmoil (cheap on gps leaving gold over for Pan) but they are not very good so even playing turmoil I used Centaurs.
So I have a new favourite Dom2 unit - Centaur Warriors. Previously I couldn't understand why you would play order with Pangaea now I'll play whatever it takes to get me more Centaurs.
I still haven't decided for sure on the Sacred White Centaurs. While they look good I prefer the easy to use and much cheaper Centaur Warrior. The White Centaur costs 30 more gold and requires you to spend lots of points on bless effects for it to be meaningfully better than the CW. Still I'm sure you could do major damage with them so I'm not ruling them out.