April 8th, 2004, 07:03 AM
Major General
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Re: OT: SPYWARE/TROJAN and Off Topic!
Originally posted by Graeme Dice:
There's a world of difference between destroying things you own, and destroying things other people own, which is illegal and immoral. Excuse me if I don't have much respect for someone who's admitted that they don't respect the property of others.
There is, of course, a minor point: The property in question is entirely mine, the code in question never intended for distribution. As such, any unauthorized individual found to be running it is automatically the enemy, having stolen it from me, and deserves his fate. Destruction of stolen item was deemed to be of paramount importance, and all else was deemed collateral damage. Being that the damage was inflicted upon those also complicit, I see nothing wrong with this.
Illwinter, perhaps, would not do exactly that, as the PR gained from destroying a user's computer would not really benefit them much, but I wouldn't be surprised at all if they covertly gathered information for other commercial uses, or attempted to take control of your computer's resources to sell them off to others. Such behaviors ARE known to occur, and somebody pointed out, the target tends to be the average user, who will not notice the resource drain and data theft.