Assassin target selection
I'm wondering about how an assassin selects his/her target. Yes, of course it is random but what if multiple assassins are doing their dirty deed at the same time.
Imagine a territory with 5 leaders in it. Five assassins are also in the territory waiting and spring into action.
When are the assassin assignments made? Is it before any other assassinations have take place or is it a serial process?
Will each assassin have their own target or could multiple assassins be assigned to the same target?
If two are assigned to the same target would they make their attempts simultaneously?
If two assassins are assigned to the same target and their attempts are in series will the second assassin be reassigned if the first assassin was successful?
Also, I know others have done this but I need some help with it. What is the best/quickest way to set up simulated battle between two Groups of armies. Let's say I wanted to test Vanheim Van's with 9F blessing verses Machaka 9E blessed Hunters or any other set of armies.
What would be great for this purpose would be a map with one big territory in the middle with a province for each race around the outside. Each racial province has 1000's of gold, 1000's of resources, and 100's of each type of gem and about 1000's of research points to distribute. Does such a beast exist? Is it possible to make? Is there something better?