Im new to the forums, so I don't know if this idea has been posted. (My Posts go with stories usually.) I was playing as Man, with AI opponents Marignon, Jotunheim, Ermor and Pangaea. They all started some world war, and excluded me... I was running low on cash because I was beefing up my army, incase they all decided they needed new meat to pick on, but they never declared... at turt 33 I had a huge army and squat for income because of upkeep, so I got this idea 'bout mercs.
The idea is sending out you're exess military units for mercenary duty, like... erm, making them available to other nation's use. I also think a portion of the regiments' income should/would come back to the nation who put them up for service. (And have them come back after maybe a year's work, all with experience and some long tales to tell the children.