SE4 Companion info
Next Version won't be beta, it will be official Version 0.84, no excuses.
-It will have most (I hope but don't expect all) bugs tracked down and killed.
-It will have mIRC compatibilty, meaning that Posts made by other Users incorporating text styles and colours are shown as intended, and a few extra IRC capabilities, but it won't be a IRC client competing with the big ones, just a way to quickly connect to the #SE4 channel.
-A few improvements to current functions and some ways to make it more accessible.
-A cleaner interface,
-It will have a few plug-in packs:
The Dogscoff plug_in pack (Default) will be sent with the main Version (Shipset copier for Mods, Shipset Cleaner and Ai fixer, PBW shipset checker, Designfile checker, shipset viewer)
The Entertainment pack (optional): Drushoka man and SE4 Shooter by Ed Marshal.
The Mod Pack, SE4 Modder by Davig G, perhaps some more programs, (CHTML, templatizer..anything else? haven't contacted these authors).