As far as I can tell..
The vehicle movement sound from Saving Pvt Ryan...
The mouse click...
the 140 numbered files I think...(various small arms)
EDIT I mistakenly had the 160 numbered files listed here before. Not all the 140 files are problematic...its just hard to tell which ones.
Large caliber arty hits.
Vehicle Destroyed sound.
sound 212 sometimes comes and goes.
Small arms hits on tanks...(sometime I just get a tonk sound) should this be a ricochet?
I cant tell if it supposed to playing a ricochet or there is an actual "TONK" sound.
also you hear a ricochet before a vehicle blows up??
Changed all these to wav files except #212...
Things nearly 99% fixced now...except for that daggone TONK...I keep getting.