Agrajag said:
Fate said:
I think that how this really needs to be seen as is the stone that broke the camel's back. From my (poor) american perspective, the entire middle east has been on fire for the last four decades -or longer- and I think that the feeling there could finally just be a substantial population who "just can't take it any longer."
I'll remind you that most americans think that Israel is such a buch of tents and camels roaming in the desert (unlike the truth - just your average modern western country. Also, we have more cool intelligence technology than the US =P)
As for "the entire middle east has been on fire for the last four decades", if this was truly the reason, than because of exactly the same reason Israel should have wiped out all of the arab nations around, long ago. Its just an excuse for blood-thirsty people to "go wild".
Not only does your post reek of ethnocentric bias, I'd like to know where the reasoning behind this "logic"?