Some beginner questions
I'm in the early stages of my first game. I'm playing Man with a Phoenix, Fire 4, Air 6. Right now I just got Evocation 2 and am researching Conjuration.
I've read a few threads here, a beginners guide and done the walkthru. These questions have popped up:
1-Do my units gain experience or go up in level as they win battles?
2-How do I determine where to build a fortress? (Who actually builds it, btw?)
3-Is it good to leave a commander and some troops in border provinces to guard them?
4-One of the threads suggested sending a Mother to search forest, mountain etc. provinces. When the Mother I recruited searches it says she is not skilled enuf. How does she get more skill?
Your help much appreciated.
"Anyone who is not shocked by quantum theory has not understood it."
"There is nothing at all in either chemistry or physics that even remotely explains human consciousness."
Niels Bohr, Nobel Prize winner, Physics, 1922