Turn 36
Caelum is getting cocky; he launched 4 sets of hawks at me. Of course, none were effective. In addition, I discovered a scout from T'ien Ch'i sneaking around my lands, for some reason wearing a magical armour made from shambler skins. Needless to say I killed him and took his armour.
After much waiting, the mountain city of Caelum is finally breached. I guess I might have to storm it, since I can't seem to persuade the people to abandon their lost cause. Maybe I will send in a cheap commander to see the field of battle...
The Kinnara Brahmakunda answered my call. He will be a perfect messenger, and perhaps long-range attacker, if I can equip him correctly. I am making a big push to research appropriate battle magic this month. I need to start moving towards T'ien Ch'i's border.