Pretender, awake, dormant or imprisoned?
This is a new feature of dominions 3, I think it adds a lot of new strategy to pretender creation. What r yr thoughts on it?
I have only played the demo 1 day and the full game 1 day, but here r some thoughts about it.
If u r going to create a SC, the pretender should be awake. A SC pretender is most useful at the beginning of the game, when he can on his own or with a little help conquer indies, expanding yr empire very fast early in the game. He can further be developed then over time by magic items, spells etc...
A bless strategy, means u can go dormant or imprisioned, as yr sacred troops still get there blessings. Also this means yr pretender will have at least one powerful magic path lvl 9 or 10 usually, so he should be designed to be primarily a strong spellcaster. By the time he comes out of prision, u should have researched a global enchantment or high level summons, so is impact on the game is powerful and immediate.
Pick a figurehead pretender, ie ...crone with zip, imprisioned, good strategy she can't die! Then spend points on really high dominion and fantastic scales ie... +3 order, growth, luck, productivity and magic. It would be nice, once released that yr figurehead pretender could be given stealth to keep her out of trouble/harms way. The crone would only be good for spreading yr dominion and transporting troops.
I am pretty new to dominions what do u think? What cunning ideas have formed in yr head? Please share.